Sky triggers are currently in the process of being sold. The total amount will come out to 2,380,000 gil once all triggers and seals are sold. Because some people who joined us during sky farming are no longer playing or playing as often, I will schedule a date for helpers to collect gil once everything has sold. I will give a two-week notification of this date. If you are not able to make it due to prior commitments but have attended sky farming runs and would like a share, please send me a PM so I can count you into the total share.
If you do not attend and have not notified me prior to the scheduled date, I can't cut you a share.
Thanks everyone. Most of you showed up for all three farming runs, so I speak on behalf of everyone when I say
thank you for the consistent attendance. I didn't take many pictures, but this is what I could dig up:
I think Daymos will appreciate the first one.